Part 1 - Creating an nx workspace

We will be building out the beginning of two applications a customer portal and an admin portal.

figure: nx workspaces diagram

1 .Create a new nx workspace

  • Run the below command in a terminal to make a new nx workspace.
create-nx-workspace demo-app

2. Examine the output of the following files and commit code to git source control

  1. Run the following command to open the new nx workspace in VSCode.
cd demo-app && code .

Until this pull request is merged run the following in the terminal to avoid warnings in terminal.

npm install [email protected] --save
  • Inspect the following files:

    • .angular-cli.json

    • tsconfig paths

    • package.json

3. Change from css to scss

  • Open up angular .angular-cli.json and change the default style type.


"styleExt": "scss"
  • Commit the initial NX workspace to source control

4. Create a new workspace app

  • By default a new NX workspace has no apps or libs yet. You can run the below command to see the extra options to make an app or a lib besides the normal angular CLI commands.
ng g app --help
  • Create a new app by running the below command in the terminal in a directory of your choice.
ng g app customer-portal --style scss --routing

5. Add ngrx

  • Add a default set up for ngrx to our new app. We can run the generate command for ngrx with the module and --onlyEmptyRoot option to only add the StoreModule.forRoot and EffectsModule.forRoot calls without generating any new files versus --root which will make a default reducer and effect.
ng g ngrx app --module=apps/customer-portal/src/app/app.module.ts  --onlyEmptyRoot

6. Examine angular app and module structure

  1. app.module.ts
  2. tsconfig paths
  3. package.json
  4. apps and libs empty

7. Run the app in the browser

  • Run the following command to launch the app in the browser. -a is for the app to start and -o is to open in the default browser.
ng s -a=customer-portal -o
  • See the default state of the app in the redux dev tools

8. Commit to repo for the class (Instructor only)

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